
  • How to Draw Old People in 12 Simple Steps

    How to Draw Old People in 12 Simple Steps

    Draw some of your favorite old people, whether they are your grandparents, your old, sweet neighbor, or some random grandma you ran into in the grocery store! 1) Draw a Circle and a Cross For The Face Proportions The circle provides a rough outline of the face. The cross will help you lay out the… Read more

  • How to Do Graphic Designing for School Clubs

    How to Do Graphic Designing for School Clubs

    The American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) defines graphic design as “the art and practice of planning and projecting ideas and experiences with visual and textual content.” Graphic designing basically communicates information with an artistic visual. High school clubs use graphic designing when managing their social media accounts (e.g. Instagram), and this article covers how… Read more

  • 8 Simple Rules on How to Use Gouache

    8 Simple Rules on How to Use Gouache

    Gouache is a paint medium that is between watercolor and acrylic paint. Gouache is painted with water, just like watercolor but is more opaque like acrylic. Below are some simple rules I follow when painting with gouache🎨. 1) Use Thick Paper or Watercolor Paper Use thick paper like watercolor paper or any durable paper. Remember,… Read more

  • 10 Ways on How to Get Over Artist Block

    10 Ways on How to Get Over Artist Block

    All artists inevitably face artist block. We become unmotivated, uninspired, and bored. We want to draw, yet we simply can’t pick up the pencil.  We, artists, have to combat this, so I have compiled a list of ideas to help us overcome artist block. 1) Play Around With Paint on Your Fingers As a kid,… Read more

  • 15 Ways to Fill Up Your Sketchbook

    15 Ways to Fill Up Your Sketchbook

    The goal of a sketchbook is not to fill it up but to make good use of the white space. Sometimes it can be hard to do this after making art and having 40% of the paper still showing. So I want to talk about 15 ways to fill up a sketchbook. 1) Stickers Fruit… Read more

  • How to Make an Film Journal

    How to Make an Film Journal

    Film journals are what they sound like. They are journals for films. They have pictures and writing and are fun to make. So get your sketchbook or journal and your favorite movie/show, and make a film journal NOW! 1) Not Many Supplies Necessary The main supplies needed for a film journal are colored paper, glue,… Read more

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