7 Tips for Last Minute Studying

Studying last minute isn’t ideal, but it’s sometimes inevitable. It’s stressful and pressuring, but I have come up with a list of tips to help you study last minute for that test you were putting aside.

1) Forget About the Things You Know and Focus on the Things You Struggle On

It’s important to forget about the information you already know because there is no need to study something you’re familiar with. With the limited time you have, go over the things you are struggling on and try your best to memorize the essential details.

2) Create Funny Acronyms for Vocabulary

For information-heavy tests, make funny acronyms for vocabulary you need to know. 

For example, the acronym for the planets in the solar system is: My very educated mother just served us nachos.

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

Another acronym is for the necessities for the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium: Mini Max Slipped into the Large Poop RooM

No Migration, No Mutation, No Selection, Large Population, Random Mating

3) Ask for Help from Your Friends Who Know the Material

Sometimes your friends will know the material better than you, so it’s wise to ask them for help on what you are struggling with.

4) Review Previous Chapter Quizzes

Before taking a test, teachers will assign quizzes to quiz students on what they already know. Review previous quizzes to look at the material that could later be on the test and redo the problems you got wrong and understand them better.

5) Make Funny Connections

Connecting hard-to-remember information to funny things will stick in your mind a lot more effectively instead of rereading the information over and over again to get it inside your head. 

Try to make jokes to help you remember.

6) Clear Out Distractions

Studying last minute with distractions is the absolute last thing you need, so find a spot where you can focus. Study in a library or around your parents so they can hold you accountable. Imagine being near your parents who are working hard, and you are just fooling around; you will get embarrassed, and you’ll get the motivation to start studying again.

7) Sleep For At Least 8 Hours and Eat Well

Sleeping for at least 8 hours will help your attentiveness and activity levels for the following school day. It will tremendously help you perform better as proven by multiple studies.

Don’t go through school with an empty stomach. Not only is it bad for your health, but is also uncomfortable for your body. Eat healthy foods with each meal and drink plenty of water, and besides, who wants to experience a loud, rumbling stomach during a quiet class?

Hopefully these tips will help you study last minute! Good luck!

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